About Me

 Hello, I’m Stephanie Dowling Folan, a Galway City native, a wife, a mom, a lover of animals and the incredibly proud founder and owner of Galway Holistic. 21 years ago my career started on the pitch as a capped Irish International rugby player. From there I became a Physical Therapist and an expert in sporting injuries, especially after suffering several of my own. I gained amazing insight and experience in this field but my personal experiences both on and off the pitch, including a life changing illness which compelled me to expand my knowledge and skills as a holistic healthcare practitioner.

I’m now qualified in many holistic therapies including needle work, energy work, essential therapy and nutritional supplements to mention a few, and I am always learning more.  Having many skills to hand means that I can create tailored sessions within minutes for each and every client that passes through my door. My passion is to empower others to awaken the innate healing power within themselves, as the facilitator that guides my clients through their healing journey, I love working with my clients, I really do have the best job in the world!

To mark the achievement of 21 years in business in 2020 we have been rebranded the business including a new business name, logo, website and online store. What’s more exciting is that I, Stephanie, founder, guru or so they tell me – is going online! It will all be new for 2020 and I am very excited to connect with you all weekly or maybe even daily. I can’t wait to share my knowledge with you all and answer your health questions online!  So why not follow @GalwayHolistic on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and make sure to tag us and say hi!

 If you have any questions and would like to arrange a brief call – please email me personally on stephanie@galwayholistic.com
Have a Great Day,
Love Stephanie

About Galway Holistic

Galway Holistic provides multiple therapies and health consultations at our centre in Galway City. We offer energy work therapies, needle work therapies, and physical therapy sessions. Check out our online store that has some of our favourite DoTerra essential oil products and LifeVantage health supplements available to purchase.

Private sessions at our centre are individually tailored to meet the clients exact needs. Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter and follow us on our Instagram channel where we share – online advice, product information and great health We would love you to browse through our website to see all the services and products we have to offer and tell us what you think!